

Yeah, that sounds strange doesn't it? Well, "clo-pening" means having the closing shift, and having the opening shift. Last night, I closed and this morning, I didn't open, but I had to come back in at 6:30 AM. Yes it is technically still obeying all laws of an 8 hour time in between shifts, but really though? That is so not ethical. If you think about it, you still have to drive home, shower, etc. So in reality, you're not really gaining a full 8 hours of sleep. That was my night/morning. I feel like my boss gives me these shifts often too. And let me tell you, it sucks. I felt like a walking zombie this morning. And to make it even better, I had a 6:30-2:30 shift. That means I went through TWO rushes. The morning rush, AND the after school rush. To put the cherry on top, I was placed on bar for both rushes! It is beyond me how I am still alive and kicking to write this blog to tell all of you about it. But for some odd reason, I feel like it made me even more alive. Today, my boss called me the "drink making machine." Which is nice, because any compliment or praise from the boss lady is awesome. But I felt like I was on fire when I was making drinks. So maybe these "clo-pening" shifts make me a better barista......?